Our Team
Meet the team that will help you on the road to success!

Steff Noble
Owner & Head Coach
1- Stephanie Noble
2- WNBF Pro Athlete, Lvl3 Personal Trainer, Strength and Conditioning Coach, BA (Hons) in Performance and business & International Posing Coach
3- 3 x Natural British Champion, 2 Pro Shows, WNBF PRO worlds
4- CEO & Head coach Pro Prep Coaching. I began Pro Prep Coaching to provide a professional level of evidence based coaching to natural populations. My passion is in delivering a 5 x service to all to help achieve what they never thought is possible. Not just with their physique but with their mindset. My job is to help people get results that are sustainable and enjoyable.
5- I specialise in contest preparation, body transformation, fat loss & muscle building.

Coach Nat
Head Female Coach
1.Natalie Woods BSc (Hons)
2. Lvl 3 Personal Trainer & qualified Nutritional Therapist
3. WNBF UK British Champion, UKDFBA Novice British Champion & 3rd place British Finalist. Other Regional placings 1st BNBF Midlands, 2nd UKDFBA Heart of England
4. Having experienced first hand struggles with my weight and a chronic health condition I’m passionate about helping others to achieve big goals they may believe are beyond their reach. Watching their self-belief and confidence grow is the most rewarding part of my role!!! I love working for Pro Prep as the supportive, evidence based and educational approach provides clients with every possible tool they need to implement a sustainable approach to their health & fitness positively impacting upon every aspect of their life.
5. I have particular interests in body transformation, supporting chronic conditions through nutritional strategies and managing digestive issues

Coach Rob
Team Coach
1- Robert Brown
2 – Level 3 Personal Trainer
3 – 4x 1st place Natural Bodybuilder. Previous British Champion. World Qualified Bodybuilder.
4 – Working with Pro Prep if great as it’s such a great community between clients and coaches providing education and encouragement.
5 – I have a passion for training and specialise in exercise form and intensity in the gym from my 6 years of Personal Training experience. I have benefited massively from lifting and bodybuilding and want to bring that positivity to others.

Coach Stuart
Head Male Coach
1. Stuart Sutherland
2. Level 3 Personal Trainer
3. Natural British Bodybuilding Champion
4. Full time Personal Trainer and Coach with a passion for bodybuilding. I believe in determination and drive combined with evidence based approach can create your perfect physique. Working alongside the Pro Prep team emphasises all these factors.
5. I specialise in training philosophy and exercise mechanics, fat loss and transforming physiques.